The Catholic faith is central to the day to day life of our school and to all aspects of the curriculum. It is not an added extra which we offer our pupils. In delivering the curriculum the school recognises the uniqueness of each child and respects the value, dignity and individuality of each child. The School is committed to close collaboration both with parents and parish to offer the highest standards of academic, social, moral and religious education closely linked to the child’s own potential, developing independence through active learning in an atmosphere of happy mutual respect between staff and pupil for the personal good of the child, the good of the school and parish community and towards the child’s best integration with society at large.
- Our school aims to provide a Catholic education for our children which gives them all equal opportunity to develop fully and realise their potential. We acknowledge each child as unique and worthwhile, and seek to give self-esteem and access to all areas of the curriculum to each and every child. We aim to develop in our children positive attitudes and values towards themselves and others, and we seek, as a staff, to be versatile in our planning, resourcing and management of the school curriculum both formal and hidden.
- To make prayer, worship and liturgy real educational experiences and to contribute successfully to the development of faith of each individual in the school community.
- To create a dynamic interaction between home, parish and school, this provides preparation for the pupils’ entry into the wider community.
- To foster the development of critical, independent and responsible thought appropriate to the age and maturity of the child.
- To enable children to develop study skills, to become ‘active’ learners.
- To encourage the child’s full participation in and enjoyment of all the varied activities of primary education.
- To co-operate and share with parents and parish in providing the foundation for a Catholic way of life in an environment which is appropriate to the child’s growth and maturity.
- To encourage the child’s development in self-awareness, self-confidence and sensitivity towards others; development of moral values and judgements; and formation and development of good habits in self-discipline and acceptable behaviour.
- To develop the child’s skills in reading, writing and communication in ways appropriate for various occasions and purposes.
- To develop the child’s mathematical concepts and skills so that they can use them in a variety of situations.
- To develop the child’s ICT skills to enable them to retrieve information and communicate their ideas.
- To enable the child to master scientific ideas based on accurate observations, recording, quantifying and checking.
- To give the child the opportunity to investigate solutions, interpret evidence and to solve problems.
- To foster an awareness of the geographical, historical and social aspects of the child’s environment, national heritage and wider global aspects.
- To develop an appreciation of aesthetic values through various areas of the curriculum and the ability to express feelings in art, drama, movement and music.
- To help children develop agility and physical co-ordination, confidence in and through physical activity.
- To prepare children for the secondary stage of education and to assist secondary schools to provide unbroken educational progress for our children
In Joy we live together
In Hope we build for the future