Year 6 Achievement & Progress 2018-2019
Well done Year 6 for all your hard work! We are very proud of you!
Percentage of Pupils Achieving the Expected Standard
Subject | % |
Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined | 33% |
Reading | 63% |
Writing | 33% |
Mathematics | 46% |
Percentage of Pupils Achieving the Higher Standard
Subject | % |
Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined | 0% |
Reading | 17% |
Writing | 0% |
Mathematics | 4% |
Progress Scores 2019
Average progress in reading | -0.81 |
Average progress in writing | -6.95 |
Average progress in mathematics | -2.48 |
Scaled Scores 2019
Average scaled score in reading | 99.9 |
Average scaled score in mathematics | 98.8 |
Year 6 Achievement & Progress 2017-2018
Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined | 50% |
Average progress in reading | -1.7 |
Average progress in writing | -3.8 |
Average progress in mathematics | -1.4 |
Scaled Scores 2018
% of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in reading, writing and mathematics | 0% |
Average scaled score in reading | 103 |
Average scaled score in mathematics | 100 |
Please note that these exam and assessment results are not current as these have not been published as performance measures by the Secretary of State.