Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is based on a religious understanding of life; the principles of the Gospel permeate the life of our school. It is designed to enable the children to grow in every way to Christian maturity – towards a fuller understanding of God and mankind.  

We intend that our curriculum educates the children in knowledge, skills and understanding to be inquisitive, resilient, creative and compassionate  learners.

Through an inclusive curriculum, we translate the framework of the National Curriculum into a meaningful structure and narrative.

We broaden the cultural capital of our curriculum through high quality visits and visitors, themed weeks and extra-curricular activity


Curriculum Implementation

Through quality teaching of knowledge, skills and vocabulary, Teachers will:

  • Embed Catholic positive attitudes and values.
  • Deploy collaborative learning strategies.
  • Use hooks including artefacts, video clips, visits and visitors and the locality to bring topics alive via  memorable first  hand experiences.
  • Encourage children to make connections which build upon current understanding and seek to develop progression of knowledge skills and understanding.
  • Focus on emotional health and wellbeing enabling our children to become active and responsible members of our diverse community



 Our children will develop spiritually, socially, emotionally and academically.  They will be equipped with the knowledge skills and Christian values to be successful in the next phase of their education and later life.